NLP Practitioner Training Curriculum


NLP Practitioner Training

Including Neuro-Linguistic Programming, TIME Techniques, Hypnosis, EFT and Success Coaching

Train with the developer of Power Dynamics™, Nate Fowler!

Join us for our game-changing Practitioner Training, featuring Neuro-Linguistic Programming, TIME Techniques, Conversational Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques and Success Coach training.

You’ll discover everything required to create amazing changes for yourself and for others in this fantastic six-day training, including a bit of Power Dynamics™ from its developer, Nate Fowler. See how powerful this new field is for yourself!

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You will also earn five certificates in different related fields, that you may use to practice as a consultant or coach, therapist, or to greatly enhance your own life. These fields will include:

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Training in NLP is the most powerful way to gain fast and total control of the conscious and subconscious, driving you towards amazing results in your life. I’ll show you how to implement NLP Practitioner-level techniques for improvement in yourself, coaching others, and even one-on-one clinical therapy. You’ll find out the inner-workings of both the conscious and subconscious mind, and discover techniques that allow you to communicate with influence, completely in control of your state,  stomp out bad habits and build good habits, see the drive inside you, and find out ways to “program” your mind for success, just as many others have.

  • The Basis of NLP
    Fundamental beliefs and presuppositions that will set the stage for your successful future.
  • Principles to Achieving your Goals
    You’ll discover why you might not have achieved goals you set in the past, and how to set achievable goals for the future with the 11 fundamental keys to achievable outcomes.
  • Instant Rapport
    Find out how to make people instantly like you, both in person and on the phone. Using rapport technology, you can greatly increase your chances of making sales, networking, making friends and being a powerful persuader.
  • Representational Systems
    Discover why you may have had trouble communicating with some people in the past, and what you can do in the future to make sure your message gets across to everyone. Plus, discover how people are thinking simply by watching their eyes!
  • Submodalities
    See how to use the most basic elements of human thought, and how you can use them to make shocking changes in yourself and others.
  • Strategies
    Discover people’s strategies for everything from buying expensive items to intense love, using conversation and watching their eye patterns. Being the developer of Power Dynamics Advanced Strategies™, I’ll show you an example of how rapidly you can change someone’s strategy…in seconds! You’ll find that you become more powerful and influential by using strategies for yourself and your clients.
  • Surgically Precise Patterns of Language
    Find out how to communicate purposefully and with precision so your message is always accepted by others. With these techniques, you’ll hear how to empower your clients and yourself by understanding the words we use everyday in a new way, see how to be effective and persuasive, and you’ll even discover to how to hypnotize people conversationally!
  • Anchoring
    Feel how you can instantly change your own state, or the state of others, with a simple touch. You’ll also hear how others can anchor you — both negatively and positively — and what you can do to overcome it. We’ll also show you how you can anchor states purposefully in others and use them in influential situations.
  • Parts Integration
    Have you ever caught yourself saying, “Well, part of me wants to…” This is a classic indication of inner-conflict — the root cause of many issues — which, when released, will cause most problems to simply disappear. In our NLP training, you’ll see how to use this beautiful technique to easily and elegantly eliminate conflict in yourself and your clients.
  • The NLP Model for Coaching
    Many people believe that coaching is as simple as giving advice. Find out why giving advice is the wrong thing for a coach to do, and exactly how you can use all the techniques taught in this training to become a better coach than you can imagine. Your dream of being a coach should be successful and with these tools, you can finally realize that potential now.

TIME Techniques (Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment)

Now, the most advanced techniques to ever be used in a therapeutic setting, allowing you to defeat negative emotions now, change decisions made in the past, eliminate limiting beliefs, and eradicate the reactions of phobias. That is the power of  TIME Techniques™ or Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment. There are other outdated timeline techniques out there, but you’ll find these updated techniques to be much more efficient and even more life-changing. If you’ve read Richard Bandler’s work on this material, you won’t believe how powerful it’s become with these new techniques.

  • How we recognize our memories… both neurologically and semantically, and how working with your memories can create amazing changes in your life and in others.
  • How to Release…
    Negative emotions, limiting beliefs and limiting decisions
  • How to Destroy Phobia Symptoms
    Massively faster and more powerful than the original NLP phobia technique from years ago.
  • How to Eliminate Guilt and Anxiety
    Techniques that can eliminate these emotions almost instantly.
  • AND Create a Compelling Future
    TIME Techniques™ not only works in the past, it also allows us to put workable goals into the future with rock-solid success. This is fantastic for both you and your clients achievements.

Conversational Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy

Discover ground-breaking techniques you can use to hypnotize with Milton H. Erickson’s (easily one of the most powerful hypnotists) hypnotic language patterns. And the most exciting bit is that you’ll discover conversational ways to use these hypnotic principles. With every conversation and sale, this means you can be more persuasive, powerful, and influential. You can choose to be either overt or covert. Therapists, remember that you have to be a salesperson too!

  • What is Hypnosis…exactly?
    You’ll find out the history of hypnosis, and what has changed over the years. You’ll see what the difference is between stage hypnosis and what we do in a clinical setting. You’ll learn the myths about hypnosis and how to completely dispel them when talking to others.
  • Easy Hypnotic Tests
    These tests will allow you to test a persons compliance and suggestibility. My trainees usually are practicing these tests that evening at restaurants with people they’ve never met, family, and friends. They’re great indicators, and they’re fun, too!
  • Two Forms of Hypnotic Induction
    Including progressive-relaxation and conversational Ericksonian hypnosis.
  • Tools and Interventions
    You’ll discover how to use all the tools you’ve learned over the six day training to help people lose weight, quit smoking and more.

Emotional Freedom Techniques™

EFT™  (also called Energy Tapping because it uses the same scientifically proven principles as Accupuncture) has been taught as “a revolutionary set of techniques designed to balance the energy system of the body, removing the effects of negative emotions and eliminating addictive cravings, such as those from cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.” Discover the hypnotic technique of EFT and how to utilize it more effectively with conversational hypnosis principles. Once you know it, you’ll see people around you using it everyday, from sports superstars to great leaders. Even 2014′s Superbowl had a quick clip of a player using EFT on the sidelines.

  • What is EFT…exactly?
    Find out how EFT works, how it was originally based on acupuncture, and how you can make it more powerful.
  • Eliminate Negative Emotions and Habits
    With interventions for frustration, fears and phobias, road rage, stress, smoking and weight loss.
  • Destroy Negative Self-Talk
    Destroy the cause of self-sabotage, negative self-talk, and chronic illness.

Success Coach

Discover how to powerfully motivate yourself and your clients with quick and easy 7-step CORE Success Coach Method. Becoming a coach brings great rewards both monetary and with personal gratification. Forbes magazine recently wrote that life coaching is “an industry that’s growing and thriving” and “there’s enormous potential for life coaches to become extraordinarily financially successful.” Take a step up to being a coach and get certified for success!

  • Set realizable outcomes for yourself and for others.
  • Ask life-changing questions that fuel complete motivation and success.
  • Set goals to acquire the outcome you desire.
  • Get powerful commitments, from yourself or others.
  • Take the steps needed to build rock-solid success.
  • AND, see how the business of coaching works – find out how to best present yourself as marketable in the real world.

This training meets and exceeds the world-wide recognized standards in the industry, including the International Board of Clinical Practitioners (IBCP), the Clinical Standard Board, and others.

Pre-Study – Part of the accelerated format is a pre-recorded  audio program and a preview copy of the manual. By following these, you’ll have the bedrock of information that sets the stage for the rest of the knowledge in the Practitioner training.

Enroll now in your Six-Day Accelerated NLP Practitioner Training.

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To sign up for multiple trainings (i.e., Master Practitioner and Trainer’s Training) with a greater discount or find out about our affiliate program, please call Nate Fowler at 951-290-2997.