Sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual battery and rape

Do you feel violated, depressed, anxious, angry, hopeless, helpless, and worthless, or have low self-esteem because sexual incident(s)? Have you ever been forced to kiss someone, forced to have sex, or forced penetration, whether it be anal, vaginal, or oral? Has someone inappropriately fondled your genitals, breasts, buttocks, anus, inner thigh or groin with no sexual penetration or have forced you to do this to another person without permission? Have you been exposed, participated willing or unwilling to pornographic material, sexting, naked pictures of you spread on social media? Has anyone used threats, fear tactics, and/or physical violence, future retaliation to force you to submit to sexual intercourse or to engage in other sexual activity? Has anyone such as a stranger, an acquaintance, a date, someone you met at a party, introduced through a friend or social networking website or a spouse or even a gang forced you to do anything sexually? Were you taking drugs or drinking alcohol right before the incident occurred, or were you drugged and or passed out at the time of the incident? Are you confused or feel like you might be in denial, because you don’t remember what exactly happened? Were you in shock after it happened?

Do you often find yourself feeling tired or fatigued? Do you sleep a lot, or don’t sleep enough? Are you scared to leave the house now? Has your appetite changed? Have you gained or lost a significant amount of weight recently? Are you more angry, irritable or short tempered after the incident(s) happened? Do you consume more alcohol than usual or engage in reckless behaviors? Do you feel physically ill– stomachaches, headaches, fatigue? Has your spouse or partner intentionally or knowingly engages in sexual intercourse or oral sexual contact with you without your consent, even if you are married or have willingly engaged in similar sexual acts before? After the incident(s) did you feel a mixture of emotions including powerlessness and indecisiveness? Do you have “racing thoughts?” Do you find yourself unable to concentrate or focus because you “can’t stop” thinking about the assault or something that happened during the incident? Do you have flashbacks or vivid memories of the incident that make you feel nervous, sad, and extremely upset? Do your memories or nightmares feel real? Do you feel like you are “re-living” the incident(s)? Is it hard for you to trust people after the incident, even people you use to trust?

If any of this sounds like you, then we can help. We can provide a confidential, supportive, and safe place for you to express your feelings freely, in a non-threatening environment. We can help you express and process difficult emotions associated with the incident(s). We can help you work through your nightmares, phobias, fears and lingering physical issues. We can guide you through the healing process, and help you feel empowered to take your life back. We can help you grow stronger, and more confident. We can help guide you through the process of rebuilding feelings of safety, intimacy, trust, control and self-worth.

Call us at 951-290-2997 to speak to a compassionate therapist. We work with all sorts of insurance and any financial situation. You can also book an appointment right now.

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